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High Vitality | 1 oz | DesBio | Formerly HGH Vitality

INDICATIONS:  For temporary relief of symptoms related to aging including deterioration of muscles, joints, and skin; sexual dysfunction; memory loss and fatigue.
Our Price: $44.00

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Product Code: DB-HGHV

Description Suggested Use
As we age, our bodies produce less and less human growth hormone (HGH). As HGH levels decline, our bodies can't keep up with new and replacement cell production and organs and systems start to break down at the cellular level. High Vitality is for the temporarily relief of symptoms related to aging such as fatigue, minor joint pain and muscle soreness.

Agnus (6X 12X 30X) Ambra (6X 12X 30X) Conium (6X 12X 30X) Apiolum (6X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C) Estradiol (6X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C) Folliculinum (6X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C) L-Dopa (6X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C) Melatonin (6X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C) Testosterone (6X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C) Alpha Lipoic Acid (8X) ATP (8X) Nadidum (8X) Sarcolacticum Acidum (8X) Ubidecarenonum (8X) Baryta carbonica (8X 12X 30X) Selenium (8X 12X 30X) Funiculis Umbilicalis Suis (30X) Glandula suprarenalis suis (30X) Hepar Suis (30X) Hypothalamus (30X) Lymph Node (30X) Medulla Ossis Suis (30X) Oophorinum (30X) Orchitinum (30X) Pancreas (30X) Spleen (30X) Human Growth Hormone (30X 60X 200X) Proteus Morgani (30C) Pantothenic Acid (8X)

These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.

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