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Lymph / Spleen Combination | 1 oz | DesBio

INDICATIONS: For temporary relief of symptoms related to lymphatic and spleen malfunction including lack of energy, lethargy, weakness and poor muscle tone, poor appetite and sense of taste, abdominal distension, poor digestion, loose and watery stools...
Our Price: $40.00

Quantity in Stock:1

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Product Code: DB-LYMS

Description Suggested Use
Lymph / Spleen Combination formula is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to lymphatic and spleen malfunction including lack of energy, lethargy, weakness and poor muscle tone, poor appetite and sense of taste, poor digestion, loose and watery stools, and poor concentration.

Juniperus Com (3X) Phytolacca (3X) Quercus Gland Sp (4X) Myosotis (6-12X) Nat Sulphuricum (6-12-30X) Ceanothus (6-12-30X, 200C) Helianthus (6-12-30X, 200C) Nat Mur (6-12-30X, 200C) Lymph Node (8-12X) Spleen (8-12X) Thymus (8-12X) Chininum Arsenicosum (8-12X, 30C) Castanea Vesca (9X) ATP (12-30X) Ubidecarenonum (12-30X) Ferrum Met (30C) Succinum (30X) Apis mellifica (200C)

These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.

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