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CANDIDA ALBICANS: Fungi are the most common parasites, led by Candida Albicans. Candida organisms are natural residents of the body, but are normally found in harmless proportions. The body's natural defense against fungus infection is its resident population of normal Candida appears to follow certain therapies like antibiotics, corticosteroids, and immunosupressents. In such cases the good bacteria that usually protect the GI tract are compromised and give way to the fungi.

THRUSH: a fungal infection typically appearing as a bright-red diaper rash that doesn't respond to the usual rash ointments. It can also appear as white patches in the mouth that leave red sores. Thrush can be acquired by the newborn when passing through the birth canal, or it may follow a course of antibiotics. Symptoms include poor immune response, vaginal yeast infections, sugar cravings and sleeplessness.

Diagnosis - Candida can be shown by finding yeast and pseudohyphae in gram-stained specimens or in potassium hydroxide mounts of scrapings from a lesion. Because Candida is a commensal of humans, isolation of the organism in culture from the skin, mouth, vagina, urine, sputum, or stool should be interpreted cautiously. To confirm the diagnosis, a characteristic clinical lesion, exclusion of other causes, and, at times, histologic evidence of tissue invasion are needed.
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INDICATIONS: Conditions fortified by Propoloplus according to traditional herbal literature; blood builder and purifier, strep shroat, tonsillitis, swollen lymph glands, Epstein Bar, viral infections, cytomegola virus, candida, fevers, anemia, spleen Propoloplus | 1 oz | DesBio

Propoloplus is for the temporary relief of conditions fortified by Propolis according to traditional herbal literature.

Our Price: $40.00
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INDICATIONS: Abscesses, aches and pains: flu related, acne, anthrax, asthma, bacteria, bladder inflammation, boils, bronchial constriction, bronchial cough and bronchitis, burns, carbuncles, catarrh, congestion, cough, cystitis, dermatitis, ear, flu Smart Silver (10 ppm) | 32 oz | DesBio

Smart Silver is an engineered nanoparticle, not a colloidal silver.  It is manufactured using 10,000 volts of current, energizing the entire waterbase, enabling Smart Silver to work as a catalyst to kill bacteria

Our Price: $139.00
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Smart Silver emits energy at wavelengths that are measured at 890 to 910 terahertz. This is the same frequency at which germicidal ultraviolet light resonates and is deadly to bacteria Smart Silver (10 ppm) | 8 oz | DesBio

Smart Silver is an engineered nanoparticle, not a colloidal silver.  It is manufactured using 10,000 volts of current, energizing the entire waterbase, enabling Smart Silver to work as a catalyst to kill bacteria

Our Price: $40.00
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For temporary relief of symptoms caused by sensitivity to perfumes, flavors, dyes, plastics, alcohol or foods including sneezing and headaches. Acetaldehyde | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of symptoms caused by sensitivity to perfumes, flavors, dyes, plastics, alcohol or foods including sneezing and headaches.

Our Price: $42.00
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INDICATIONS: nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vertigo, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and other fungi, petrochemicals, sleep disorders, mucous congestion and tinnitus. CAN1:PC | Formerly Candida 1M | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of symptoms related to Candida Albicans infection including nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and other fungi, petrochemicals, and mucous congestion.

Our Price: $36.00
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INDICATIONS: nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vertigo, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and other fungi, petrochemicals, sleep disorders, mucous congestion and tinnitus. Candida 200:PC | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of symptoms related to Candida Albicans infection including nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and other fungi, petrochemicals, and mucous congestion.

Our Price: $30.00
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For temporary relief of symptoms related to Candida albicans infection including nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vertigo, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and other fungi, petrochemicals, sleep disorders, mucous congestion & tinnitus. Candida Plus | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of symptoms related to Candida albicans infection including nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and mucous congestion.

Our Price: $44.00
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INDICATIONS: For temporary relief of symptoms related to fungal-yeast and mold contamination including gastritis, constipation, mucous congestion, abdominal gas, headaches, fatigue, alcohol cravings, anxiety, vaginitis, rectal itching... FNG | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of symptoms related to yeast, including constipation, mucous congestion, abdominal gas, headaches, fatigue, alcohol cravings, anxiety, vaginitis, rectal itching, cravings for sweets, foggy brain, mood swings, diarrhea and dizziness.

Our Price: $44.00
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INDICATIONS: For temporary relief of symptoms related to food sensitivities and pollen sensitivities including fatigue, headache, runny nose and congestion, itching eyes, diarrhea, bloating, and cramps. Quercetin | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of symptoms related to food sensitivities and pollen sensitivities including fatigue, headache, runny nose and congestion, itching eyes, diarrhea, bloating, and cramps.

Our Price: $38.00
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A sophisticated bioavailable form of silver that targets illness-causing microbes and pathogenic organisms.  Can be given oral as a potent immune tonic and also comes in a convenient topical gel that may provide up to four hours of protection Smart Silver (10 ppm) | 1 oz Dropper | DesBio

Smart Silver is an engineered nanoparticle, not a colloidal silver.  It is manufactured using 10,000 volts of current, energizing the entire waterbase, enabling Smart Silver to work as a catalyst to kill bacteria

Our Price: $16.00
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Smart Silver emits energy at wavelengths that are measured at 890 to 910 terahertz. This is the same frequency at which germicidal ultraviolet light resonates and is deadly to bacteria Smart Silver (10 ppm) | 2 oz Spray | DesBio

Smart Silver is an engineered nanoparticle, not a colloidal silver.  It is manufactured using 10,000 volts of current, energizing the entire waterbase, enabling Smart Silver to work as a catalyst to kill bacteria

Our Price: $20.00
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Smart Silver emits energy at wavelengths that are measured at 890 to 910 terahertz. This is the same frequency at which germicidal ultraviolet light resonates and is deadly to bacteria Smart Silver (10 ppm) | 4 oz Spray | DesBio

Smart Silver is an engineered nanoparticle, not a colloidal silver.  It is manufactured using 10,000 volts of current, energizing the entire waterbase, enabling Smart Silver to work as a catalyst to kill bacteria

Our Price: $29.00
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INDICATIONS: For temporary relief of symptoms related to petrochemical toxicity, pesticide toxicity, food toxicity and environmental toxicity including angina, autism, obsessive/compulsive behavior, fatigue, foggy brain, poor concentration Taurine | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of symptoms related to toxicity including fatigue, foggy brain, poor concentration, headache, nasal and sinus congestion.

Our Price: $38.00
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The Candida Clear Kit contains key products utilized in DesBio’s Candida Clear Program Candida Clear Kit | DesBio

The Candida Clear Kit contains key products utilized in DesBio's Candida Clear Program.

Our Price: $220.00
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